Seniors Festival 2024 | Wild Country Morning Tea

Thursday 10 October | 10.30am - 12pm

This free morning tea will explore the Wild Country exhibition presented by artists Clare McCracken and Heather Hesterman. Through documentation of performative fieldwork, creative writing and participatory practice, Wild Country explores the historical, cultural, and social importance of the Ovens River and its tributaries.

Over morning tea there will be the opportunity to view the exhibition, listen to a short talk by the artists and participate in the form of some reflective and shared writing responding to the exhibition and to the complex political, social, cultural, economic, and ecological histories of the river.

Join us for this very special event and celebrate the Ovens River in its many forms. 

Bookings appreciated for catering purposes. Please contact us on or 03 5722 0865.






Clare McCracken and Heather Hesterman, River Vests, 2024. Photo by Andrew Ferris.