Eternal | Alun Rhys Jones

BLUR - Hero Image 1.jpg

7 May - 2 June 2022

Gallery 2


Alun Rhys Jones is an Australian based artist, whose practice analyses the ingrained stereotypes of perceived LGBTQI lives still perpetuated from and by mainstream news media.

After the recent Marriage Equality debates, the discussions regarding LGBTQI children and teaching staff being expelled from religious schools because of their sexuality, the Israel Folau debacle and the continuing assault on LGBTQI rights through the Religious Discrimination Bill, discrimination against the community never seems far from public discussion and media attention. Jones’ work explores the constant and continuous scrutiny focused on the LGBTQI world. Through an ongoing series of works stereotypes will be questioned, scrutinised, dissected and reclaimed as sites of strength and pride.

Alun Rhys Jones, BLUR, 2022, charcoal on Stonehenge paper, 130 x 120cm.