Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award 2021


5 June – 15 August 2021

Gallery 1


This nationally acclaimed biennial acquisitive prize exhibition celebrates the diversity and strength of Australian textile art. Building on Wangaratta's long and prominent history of textile manufacturing, and craft making, the Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award furthers this unique tradition and social history by elevating and promoting the development of contemporary textile practice in Australia.


Gillian Bencke, a Hunter based contemporary artist, was the recipient of the prestigious biennial acquisitive Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award for 2021 for her work Cope, 2021. 

Evangelne Cachinero was the recipient of the Highly Commended Ruth Amery Award for her work, Pseudologia Fantastica, 2020.


A beautiful catalogue featuring the year's finalist works is available in hardcopy and online.

Read the catalogue.

Artists Talks

Winner, Gillian Bencke and finalists Kasia Tons and Clare McCracken speak to their work in the exhibition. Listen to their talks at the links below.

Gillian Bencke

Kasia Tons 

Clare McCracken


Gillian Bencke, Cope, 2020-21, wool, silk, cotton, sequins, beads, brass, 130 x 253 x 0.1 cm. Wangaratta Art Gallery collection. Winner of the Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award, 2021.